After taking a tour of the school, doing the Buffy musical thing, dealing with various sicknesses, and having a birthday I applied to the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art near the end of May. I staffed my usual memorial day convention and when I arrived home I received the letter indicating my interview was... 10 days from that date. Dropping another several hundred dollars I don't really have to spare on flight, car rental, etc, I had my interview with the school which I felt I had completely hosed.
About two weeks later, I received the letter. I actually got in. Why I didn't do this 5 years ago? Who knows.
Now I'm just scrambling to try and find financial aid to do this, as I have been comfortably employed the last 5 years at a decent job, I apparently made too much to qualify for any sort free aid. No one taking into account that I really can't WORK while going to school or anything, not at all, but yeah... that's what I'm doing now.
I did a few new pieces for the portfolio, one was a rehash of a Shirt.Woot derby entry that I decided to actually put to canvas to hang or something (because I love The Sims 2 that much).
Maybe when I am constantly doing art in the next year for school I'll actually have something to post.