February I went to Disneyland again with a bunch of friends for their birthdays. One of my good friends got engaged that weekend. It was pretty exciting, but it was a stressful/planning trip. Note, I am not in this picture, I took it: These are the four friends who had birthdays in February!
March had ups and downs. My family pet of 16 and 3/4ths years, Spot, passed away. A lot of the better part of February and March was me taking care of him. While I had access to the internets, I was spending some good time with him. My Dad also had his last day at his job of 37+ years, and my brother got married!

There was this pretty cool Star Trek: The Experience warehouse sale (cool as in, if you are a nerd who likes Star Trek and lives in Las Vegas like I do, it was cool) in April. Picked up some ultimately nerdy costumes, but yet still manage to think it's now trendy to be nerdy. More info on that here.
Then I took the ultimate leap of faith - I visited the college of my dreams. I also saw a lot of really neat stuff in New York over a 5 day period, got experienced in sleeping on a subway and have the motivation to get things done.
I will need to tweak and update my portfolio! I've never been to art college, so I need someone(s) to go over it with me. I have a little bit of local help, but I'm nervous. But it's now or never! Huzzah!
All the while during this, I had Buffy rehearsals almost every friday. We are doing a shadowcast to the Once More With Feeling episode, and I'm Buffy so uh... yeah, monopolizing time muchly. We performed this on April 30th and was, I believe, a success! More performances to follow.
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